I'm at about the half way point of my Grateful on Purpose blog experiment. While the actual blogging about gratefulness has elluded me a couple times due to a busy schedule and an available moment to sit and post, the thinking about gratitude more regularly is starting to become second nature, which I guess is the point. It's like training a new muscle, it takes time, committment, patience....and then it's the new normal. But you have to keep being intentional about this gratitude lense, just like working a muscle. If you don't committ to the process, being conscious of looking for the good in your life/day, it's a potentially fleeting state of mind.
For the past ten years, from mid-October to mid-November my weekends have generally been marked by massive amounts of leave raking. I'm not talking about an hour or two both days of the weekend either, I'm talking about major committments of time, energy and perserverence. I have serious, serious trees and thus a serious amount of leaves to rake. Even though I thought I was keeping up on it and tackling it methodically, the amount of leaves still in my yard this morning, and now wet, was mind boggling. Added to that angst, the last street pick up of the leaves is this week. We never know what day for sure but it's this week. Well, low and behold my friend Bob came over today with his industrial blower, his wheel barrel and some rakes and literally finished the job! It was no small job and it was cold out. I feel blessed with some really great friends but today I am feeling particularly grateful for Bob. Fall leaves 2012... done! Ahhh, big sigh of relief. Thank you Bob!
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