Monday, November 5, 2012

Feeling Strong....

Ok, here we go to day five of my "Grateful on Purpose" campaign and I'm starting to scramble a little bit here. It's been a fine day, no major worries to speak of, just the chronic little ones we all our kids happiness and their ability to make it in the world, the random  thoughts about a path not taken  or an opportunity missed. I needed to really stop for a moment today and take a breath and focus when I recognized how today I feel physically really good. My knee has worked itself out, my sinuses are clear again, my mood feels pretty good, especially since it's so gray outside. All in all.....I feel pretty lucky to be as healthy as I am, to feel as good as I do and to have no major health concerns. When you get to a certain age it seems the odds start to work against you.

My body has served me well. It has carried my two children, fought off illnesses, learned to jog at age 49, adapted to yoga at 50 and seems to be handling these hormonal changes as well as I could have expected. I am so grateful to have this strong, resilient healthy body. I'm so grateful to feel good today. Again this grateful campaign seems to  reminds me to focus on the simple things we take for granted because in the it turns out....those simple things are the life of life.

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