Monday, January 10, 2011

Enjoy your kids more with this stategy.

Shared One-on-One Fun
Brace yourself for the bad news. Family togetherness is
overrated! Going out with the whole crew is not all it's
cracked up to be. One of the main reasons is sibling
rivalry. Mom and Dad are at the beach, for instance with
their six year old daughter and eight year old son. The
adults are trying to enjoy the sand, the water and the
kids' interaction. But the boy says something smart to his
sister who throws her hotdog at her brother who laughs
as it misses him and gets all full of sand. Now both kids
are screaming and everyone is looking. This isn't fun.
The solution? It's important to take your kids—one at a
time- and do something you both like. Regularly. It's
peaceful because there's no fighting and not even a
chance of fighting. That makes for real enjoyment and
genuine mutual affection. Shared one on one fun
produces strong parent child bonding and the activity
can be very simple, such as reading, going shopping, just
talking or-heaven forbid- teaching the inexperienced
parent how to play a video game.

Raising children today is no easy task. If you are having
more than your share of behavioral problems with your
youngsters, just how should you go about turning things
around? Exactly where should you start? Sometimes the
simplest solutions are the most effective. The most
effective thing you can do with your youngsters to get
things going right is shared one on one fun. This
technique can help you feel more affectionate and appreciative
of the time spent with your kids.

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