Thursday, September 29, 2011

Praise for 48 hours

We can sometimes get stuck only seeing the negative in our children because it has a tendency to slap us in the face. It may be a trait we see in ourselves that has long bothered us and we can't bare to see it played out in the "mirror" that is our child.Our children may have inherited some of the traits or temperment issues that have been difficult for us but we need to be mindful that they are not us. They are their own unique little people forming, evolving and adapting as best they can.

Make a list of your child's positive traits. Are they witty, creative, ingenious, crafty, inventive, imaginative, problem-solvers, compassionate, leaders? Then tell them. Right out of the blue. From the time they wake up til the time they go to bed. For 48 hours. See what happens. I bet you'll be surprised.

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