Monday, January 28, 2013

Inside recess....again?

Ward off cabin fever:  
*Opportunities for physical activity are definitely limited during these colder months.  While the following activities are not acceptable indoor recess choices, they may provide a great outlet at home for some much needed physical activity!  

Following are some ideas to promote physical activity indoors


"Activity helps children stay healthy and happy. These suggestions are useful during extended
rain and snow periods when outdoor play is not possible. Television watching and use of
computer or video games should be limited to 2 hours or less per day."

 Play “keep the balloon up”. Use one balloon per child or one balloon per small
group. The group may add additional balloons as they gain control and awareness.  
 Play "fitness with the leader." This is "follow the leader," using exercises.  
 Measure heart rates after various movements [hop, walk, jump, skip, etc.].  
 Build a fort
 Dance – There’s a number of ways to get kids shaking with music; karaoke, dance
videos or the freeze dance.   Have kids make up dances or share the latest popular or line dances.
 Play with a pet
 Hide and Go Seek
 Play Charades
 Send your kids (or join them!) on a scavenger hunt
 Hula hoop 
 Foam Ball Games - Use ‘nerf’‐like foam balls to play indoor sports.  Toss around a foam ball, play catch bouncing it of a wall or play basketball with a mini hoop, play hockey on your knees with mini indoor goals and sticks (often called shinny hockey)
 Jump Rope
 Introduce activity breaks during commercial breaks any time your child watches TV
so they don’t remain completely sedentary.  

Follow this link for some outdoor winter activity ideas as well!

As always, thanks for  supporting the positive behavior expectations at Elizabeth Ide School!  Stay tuned for information regarding an upcoming community service project!  


Follow link below for information regarding the 16th annual Parent University workshops coming up on February 2nd at Lyons Township High School in Western Springs.